
阿空| 此号停更
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chapter 1 - Alice and the dead Bird

chapter 2 - Einstein and his Time Arrow


These are models of blackhole.


What’s a blackhole?


A blackhole is— when certain stars reach the end of their lives, they collapse into an extremely small and extremely dense quantity, becoming a dot where the common laws of physics no longer apply.

EVA (unconcernedly)

A singularity.

EDUARD (Stunned for a moment)



But why are there three of them?

EDUARD (chuckling)

Good question! In fact, this is a design of mine— a topic I’ve been studying for years. I call it “Trinity”.


You mean the father, the son and the holy spirit?


Not quite, It’s a mathematical thought experiment. The idea is to try calculate the pattern of their movement, even though a single solution doesn’t exist.

EDUARD (whisper)

Look at the Red-shifting lights on the edge of his boyhood, of the infinite shapes and forms a human-being could approximate;

then wait for the Blue-shifting lights of transcendency, which lit up the ashes that fall from his last cigarette.

Now ask him the unanswerable question, in order to get that incomprehensible answer.

Go on, little girl. What do you see?

chapter 3 - For the limited time of a human being


We all die one day. But I wish when I’m there, I can look down at Death, and tell him, tell him that—


“I have no fear.”


“what I know and what I’ve done are above you.”

They stop again, stares deeply into each other's eyes.

EVA (hesitantly)

Do you think it exists?


That kind of truth? Well… we’ll find out.


You and I have a lifetime to find it out.


chapter 4 - Trinity

20 years later, Eva's monologue to her sleeping daughter on her 30st birthday.

EVA (voiceover)

I know from a very young age that the dead is just dead, there’s nothing else behind it; it’s the livings that worth to be remembered and missed. But whenever I trace it back, I always thought of that little dead bird: When did I lose it? And what happened to it after i let go my hands? A physicist is someone who utilizes rationality into a human extreme in order to approach the God’s way of thinking, but this piece of sentimentality is always there reminding me I’m still a human-being.

Throughout these years, every night when I look upon the stars, I could never resist the temptation to compare our lives to the solemn universe: the infinity, the eternity, the nihility… whereas however splendid we appeared as individual human being, living creatures are doomed to trapped in the limitation of dimension and time. 

Remember the first physic lesson I taught you? “Time’s arrow marches forward.”You learned to say this sentence even before you could pronounce my full name. These specific 4 words once leaded to my first few questions about physics, and now as closure, it gave me the ending answer for my one last confusion about life. Nina, If what we are having right now is something the great will designed all from the beginning, we ought to keep going without turning back, don’t we?

But if it’s possible, I really want to be back in that cold night of late fall, right at the moment when Edwurd said to me “You and I have a life time to find it out.” Right there, I’ll use my magical keys to frost the time, when it was just childhood, not yet a life. Like you, my little girl.

And, try to remember the keys and the bird, as this is the one last story I can tell you in this life. 

Soon the sun will be raising from the east, as it reaches the tip of our front yard lemon tree, a gigantic blooming light will bypass the horizon, illuminating the whole world like “a thousand simultaneous suns Arising in the sky”. It’s gonna be a sight that is so spectacular no one has seen in human history. After, there’ll be no more tales of the living. It’s a long journey, we finally made it to the end. 

For the time of our lives, we tried numerous times reaching out to the universe’s almost broken membrane, then we fall back endlessly onto his knee. But today when the sun rises, as for his “design”, we finally know enough to deny its perfection and to say no. Against the grant creator’s will, this is the glory of humankind. In the name of “Trinity”, I consider this to be the one and only truth.


"漫天奇光异彩, 有如圣灵逞威, 只有一千个太阳, 才能与其争辉。”                         - 薄伽梵歌


The end.


2017年,7月8月我在写,9月我在produce,10月我在拍,11月我在剪,12月... 我大概在跟演员摄影师吃火锅。我不再化妆,不再买口红和靴子,也不抑郁或者休息,整整四个月,除了去教堂,我的人生里除了这个小小的故事别无所有。


你们看,#13 - #15 是我的第二幕高潮,爱丽丝掉进了兔子洞,在天文实验室里看到了整个的宇宙。我所想说的,我所能说的,量子物理世界观,无限永恒遂没入虚无的宇宙与受时间维度限制的璀璨个体生命,人择定律与造物主的思维,时间光锥,生与死的意义,哲学意义上的原子弹末日...你理解吗?这并不是一个电影或者一个故事,我想呈现给你的是一整个的世界,所有的过去与未来,1943年6月5日那天7点38分空气的温度风的方向,12岁的她手上的作业本和颈上的钥匙,开始和终结在同一瞬间发生...而我所做的,只有呈现,寄望你能看到的是在那短短6分钟的胶片外的我的整个世界。

大概是学了整整四年电影吧,用过各种各样的机器,合作过那么相似或者那么不同的同事,写过几百页几百页的故事,诸多劳累诸多崩溃。lol 但是现在我觉得其实嘛,拍电影真的是很容易的一件事,一个编导两个演员,两个摄影兼职摆灯,百无聊赖不停地走神的录音师,再加一个单反一个20块的稳定剂架就可以完成所有的苦力。只要有故事想说,只要vision在那里,就去做吧,电影是最好的造梦机器。


....但是其实我说真的不是被学校天天逼着要干活我还是想天天带着猥琐的笑容画丁诺黄... 又或者待脑内辣鸡思想散去再去绞尽脑汁认认真真用画笔来接近他们每分每秒让人落泪的震撼美好。他们比电影更重要,我爱你们,同人永远是我的理想乡。:)

11.21.17 半夜 - 阿空正蹲在街边哈哈哈哈哈抽大麻

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